About Us
Since 2014, our Italian-roumanian team made allot of research in some intreasting fealds related with automotive hydrogen fiull, CNC machins design and on the last years turn key hardware solutions for controlling AGOPENGPS software designed by Brian Tischler.
Automatic steering control with YKY Pro Systems.
Our focus on this product was to offer a fully working product easy to use, designed to avoid wrong connection on wiring, wireless connection between graphic interface and controlling hardware, solutions for sereeng well automatic motions-
The new advanced Status mechanism allow you to set up modules and menus based on device, customer login status or customer groups.
98% satisfaction rate within our more than 19,000 customers.
The new Schedule feature allows you to display any module at specific dates in the future, or to disable any module automatically at a certain time and date. Imagine the possibilities and peace of mind...designing your promotional banners or sliders, or entire product modules that only show up on specific dates and are disabled automatically whenever you don't need them anymore.
These are just a few of the outstanding features available in the new Journal 3 framework, there are so many new options and possibilities that it will takes us a very long time to list them all.